Monday, June 2, 2008

Come On Eileen

Ok I admit it, I used to have the hots for Tatum O'Neal.

I think it started with her role in the Bad News Bears and it just blossomed from there. And now my dear, sweet Tatum has been busted for buying Crack. Ah well.

I was just about to write about how calm things have been around here. The wife had seemed to be relaxed maybe even depressed. So just when I think it's safe to go back into the water.......

She took the kids out to dinner and wound up at both her best friends house and her brothers house. When she got home, 1 1/2 hours past Jessies bedtime she was in major crank mode. I don't get it. She bought me dinner last night (McDonalds but still) and a piece of cake tonight. I don't get it. Or maybe I do and I should continue to play dumb.


I just received my first free lance writing "assignment". I must in 500 words or less describe the Tour de France as a non bike enthusiast for a biking website. I was hoping for something a bit easier like 'Nuclear Fusion for Dummies' but eh, it's a job.

I shall herpes.

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