Nikki discovered the internet a few months ago and she's been hooked ever since. It took me all of 5 minutes to explain to her about going back, reloading, minimizing windows, etc. and she was off. She loves that there are so many different things to do. She has one site where she can play games with Dora and Boots. She has another site where she gets to see her Littlest Pet Shop pet cat 'Pinky' run around on the screen, buying accessories for her little cat house. Then she has this other site where she gets to paint, and do puzzles, and hide and seek games. NIkki loves the internet.
Today, her mother turned off the internet.
She did this to try to hurt me or maybe so I would stop blogging. I guess something(s) I've written has upset her. I said it before, if you don't like what I write then don't read it. You gotta wonder though, if she would do this to her child and then suggest that we tell NIkki that "the computer is broken", is my wife upset because she believes I'm lying or does she know that I've been telling the truth?
How much more will she be willing to do to her children to get to me?
And here's a truth for her. 3 months ago my wife wrote me an email saying she was going to cut off the internet. This was when she announced that she would no longer be paying for my credit cards. I wrote her back saying that Nikki loved the internet and that because of that I would be willing to pay for it. She then wrote back that if it was for Nikki then she would continue to pay. But it would appear that the more frustrated she gets, the more she takes it out on the kids.
For the love of God, someone please tell me why I should leave my children in her care. The more she does things like this the more my resolve to stay with the girls grows.
Funny thing is, after she does this she tells me that maybe now I'll spend more time with our children. And I'll be the first to admit that I've on the 'net a bit more since she told me she wanted a divorce. I've been researching the law, keeping close ties with friends, and talking to other fathers who've been through this. And let me ask you a question, how easy would it be for you to look into your children's eyes all day long knowing that their world is about to be ripped apart?
And for the last bit of humor in all of this. There is an internet cafe about 3 miles from my house. She can't stop me from telling the truth any more then she can stop the fact that one day, her children will know what she has done to them and to their father. And they will hate her for it.
Something about not destroying the cities of your enemy comes to mind.
Thank you all for your support through this. I can't tell you what it means to me and the children.
PS. A big part of me wants to tell Nikki that her mommy turned off the internet, I'm only human.
But I won't 'cause I'm a daddy.
PSS. Sorry, let's go out on a cutie note. Last night Nikki asked me if the boogie man was made out of boogies (kids word for snot fyi). When I told her no, the boogie man was not made out of snot she said then it must be because he likes to dance. Enjoy :)
I also have Boogie Fever, Boogie Nights, Boogie No More, and Boogie Wonderland. The apple never falls far from the tree.
That seriously, seriously sucks. She's basically taking away everything you have, stripping down your order to push you out. What a nice person when it's HER decision to end your marriage, not yours.
Tell her that her actions will not effect you, but that they effect the kids. Which of course is true.
If that were you taking away her way to stay in touch with friends and her support system in such a difficult time...don't you think that would be highly frowned on in any divorce? Of course it would. Let's hope the same will apply with what she's doing. I'm certain it will. She's not painting a very nice picture of herself.
She isn't painting a very nice picture of herself, you're right, and believe it or not, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
I want people to understand this, I'm presenting facts and then my reaction to them. When I'm guessing at a cause for all of this I will say 'I'm guessing. This isn't a he said, she said thing. Everything I've said can be backed up by emails or other people. I've made this comment section anonymous so if anyone wants to get on to dispute what I've said then they are more then welcome to. I would rather she or whomever do it here than to take potshots at my daughters.I guess it's easier for some people to pick on children.
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