Monday, April 21, 2008

Just Another Day

"Rain and snow are the clouds going potty"
- Nikki

Sorry to start our week on such a horrible topic but I wanted to address something I had touched upon in an earlier post.

This is for the sick motherf#$^&ing, Bleep, bleep, bleepy, bleep..and another bleep, A$$hats who think that children aren't affected by the divorce. That children are resilient. You selfish bastards should be taken out and shot and I'll be happy to reload the guns as often as needed. I'VE THE CIGARETTES AND BLINDFOLDS AND I KNOW WHO I WANT TO GO FIRST.

Children of divorce have a higher rate of depression and suicides. Children of divorce have higher rates of teenage pregnancy. Children of divorce have a greater chance of dropping out of high school. Children of divorce are more likely to run away. Children of divorce have a higher rate of divorces themselves when they get older.

And when I say higher I'm talking double digit higher. But no, children aren't affected by divorce. You f'ing morons.

I dare any of you to read the book "The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce" by Judith Wallerstein. I will admit that I bought the book and it freaked me out so badly that I was unable to get past the 4th chapter.

And I want to apologize to Nicole and Jessica. I made a promise that I would never get a divorce, no matter what, once I had children. I forgot that you can't make your spouse promise the same.

Now, let's examine the classic line uttered by my soon to be ex..."My parents got divorced and I'm fine"

HA!!!!!! and more HA!!!!!

Ok, so her father leaves her mother for a woman with the same name and I believe she already had a girl with the same name of my wife's. That hurts my head just thinking about it.

My wife's first marriage ended because um....uh, why? Something about no spark and lost interest. K.

She's had 6 jobs in the 10 years I've known her. Reason, because she can't express dissatisfaction and frustration so she either winds up quitting or gets fired because of her attitude. Jobs, relationships....same diff.

*EDITED* (I wrote some unflattering sex stuff that I thought should be deleted ) And wait, before you say 'well maybe that was your fault', I have it on good authority(s) that I'm pretty decent. I can provide references upon request. (But I left the last part cause heh...I'm a guy)

So now she's working on her second divorce at 45 years of age as a mother of two young children.

Kudos, do you want menthol or menthol ultra light? Don't forget take one last look at the pictures to the right of this text.

And I'm sorry if you are new to reading this blog. I'm not usually this bitter. Really. I just care for my children very much.


Anonymous said...

sure kids are resilient, because they have to, they have to adapt, blind people have better hearing, but not by choice, they have to adapt, difference is the choice that parents make directly impact their children

MDStayathomefather said...

Children don't adapt, they suffer. To say that kids adapt implies that they adjust to the conditions of divorce. It's pretty obvious that by looking at the statistics, a lot of children don't adjust.