It's evil and wrong in so many different ways. It's like you didn't murder the guy but you're hiding the gun that killed him underneath you bed. It was a huge time sink for me this weekend and I missed going to the gym Sunday but what can you do.
I am glad I have two girls and not boys. When the doctor told us that we were having a girl, a wave of relief washed over me.
I love my father. He's done some crazy things in his life, things that I don't like. But at the end of the day I love him. The thing is, he spent so much time and energy trying to guide my brother and I through the hard parts in life using his own experience as reference. And when we still screwed it up he blamed himself. A lot.
But yay for me, I don't have that problems with girls. I mean sure right now I have to teach them the basic stuff like looking both ways before you cross the street, or to flush after you use the potty, and you don't lick rocks no matter how pretty they are. But for the big life issues I can just tell them what I think and hope it all works out. So thats cool.
However, and guys listen to this very, very closely and try not to puke afterwards......when your daughters grow up they will marry a guy just like you. So if you're an alcoholic wife beater chances are good that you're daughter will be looking for the trouble. Take that to heart and try to be a better father.
Anyway, gotta go hug my kids now. We'll pick this up later.
If I married someone like my Dad, I would be divorced in three days. Hell, I could probably even beat Britney's 18 hour marriage. *chuckles*
And yeah, STC is completely addicting. I took to watching the documentaries, cos they have lots of WWII-era ones, plus some other really funky stuff. :p
Hope all is well. :) Keep your head up. *hugs*
Sorry I haven't been around a lot J Lo. Been busy getting my heart kicked around and all of that. I hope to be back soon.
Hugs back
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