Sunday, July 13, 2008

Honky Tonk Women

Give it up for Billy

There is a story behind this song. Maybe I'll get around to talking about it someday.

Ok so I find myself out on that old familiar ledge again. I believe that trepidation can kill a mans soul faster then any bad woman can. Luckily, at least in my experience, the good women outnumber the bad. HOWEVER let us not forget the bad ones are out there. And god give us the wisdom to see 'em coming. Our fears are what screw us up. I wish I could remember that.

My problem, among the many I have listed here already, is that I'm too sensitive. Well rephrase - I'm too sensitive for society's view of men. Too sensitive, too emotional, too open. And the last week or so has made me very conscience of this fact. But you all know that right? I figure most of you who read this knows what's going on in my life at this moment.   No matter how together I may sound (hey, in my head I sound together) I'm really not so much. So I think I throw people off a bit. But I don't want to be like other guys really. Most guys suck and they far outnumber the good guys. Not that I consider myself a good guy but I like to at least think that I'm not one of the bad ones.

...and I wish I could just come out and say stuff on MY blog without worrying because I am so sick of having to mail out decoder rings to everyone who reads this. This blog is beginning to make me feel worse not better. I don't do the holding back thing well. I guess you all know this too. Maybe I should just stop for a while.

In other news, a friend of mine is considering jumping back into the marriage saddle. All I can say is that I wish him all the best. I hope the woman knows what a great guy he is and I hope she says yes. And I truly hope that we can get together one day and have that beer we keep talking about.

Night Guys


Anonymous said...

Maybe consider making a second blog that you only let certain people read. You can say whatever you like on it if only people you trust are reading it. Just a suggestion.


MDStayathomefather said...

I thought about starting a second blog but then it seemed to be a bit much. My GW crew pretty much knows my goings on through Guild Chat (sorry that I insist on distracting you while vanquishing :) ). I have been sending out a group email to others who get most of the info here. And of course there are individual emails for everyone else. It just sucks that 97% of my time here is me bitching and now that I have things not to bitch about (grab your decoder ring) I can't share.

I will be writing for myself and once the lawyers go away will share. Do the lawyers ever go away??

Anonymous said...

lawyers are like herpes, they never go away

MDStayathomefather said...

I actually like my lawyer and have never once thought of him as an STD. I just don't want to do anything that could make his job harder. This will all be over some day. Right??

Anonymous said...

i left a message in your TEC mailbox