Thursday, April 24, 2008

Suffer the Children

My wife takes the kids out on the weekends. She'll go shopping with them or take them to see friends or relatives or whatever. Last weekend she took them to a dog show. Afterwards Nikki was telling me about it and she said "We couldn't find mommys friend *insert name here". I didn't recognize the name so I have no idea who he was but it didn't give me that warm, fuzzy feeling.

During a separation/divorce both parents scramble to gain some normality in their lives. Some bury themselves in work. Some look towards friends and family. And some pursue romantic interests. During all of this scrambling and sometimes even with the best of intentions, we will overlook what our children need or in many cases, what they don't need. Our children don't need to get attached to some new romantic interest that may or may not wind up falling apart. 

So while we rush around trying to feel normal again, we should always keep our children in mind. What may be good for us isn't always best for them. The divorce of their parents is hard enough.

And in turtle news.....

Clem has survived the night. He has been wading around in the pool I bought him and he's eating bananas and turtle food. I'm getting optimistic on his chances for survival. But not too optimistic.

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