Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Little Things That Kill

Here's something funny. Ambien has no effect on me whatsoever. Not that this is really funny because at the moment I really, really need to be asleep.

My wife came home at 6 with the kids and then announced that was going to a party. Well, 11pm came and went and that's when Nikki started asking questions. "Where's Mommy" and "Why is she so late". See cause to me she said she was going to a party but to Nikki she said she had a meeting. And Nikki is a lot smarter then my wife is giving her credit for. So I lied to Nikki saying maybe mommy had a really important meeting so she could make lots of money and it just ran a little late. "I'm sure she'll be here soon Nikki."

So it's 12:30 and she still isn't home. Luckily I got the girls to sleep and just maybe my wife will be home before they wake up. I'm not counting on it.

Just another example of how clueless she is about our children. I guess she thinks that she's getting to me and she would be wrong except that she's getting to me through the kids. This is a huge mistake.

My sister in law gets it. She knows who I am and what I'm willing to do to keep my children out of this. Hell I tried to keep her children out of this but because things turned into big pity party for my wife, my nieces got the news of a divorce just thrown at them. What a great system she has going on. She cries her little crocodile tears and the brother comes to the rescue guns a blazing. Not thinking of course about the damage he caused his kids or mine. And OMG she's playing him like she plays the rest of her "friends" and yes friends was quoted cause until all this came about they were all jokes to her. She'd come home with all these sick and twisted stories about the girls she works with. But now, well hey they're her best friends.

The neat little thing she did this week was to tell Nikki that she was taking Nikki to a fair at some church to see one of mommy's male friends. And of course Nikki comes to me and tells me this just like she did the last time it happened. So here's what I'm dealing with. I have, 'in name only' a wife that can't even say hi to me when she comes home. She doesn't ask about the kids, she just goes on being hurt that I won't accept the separation agreement from her and her lawyer. She's hurt that I won't leave my kids with her. Gee, I wonder why.

HOWEVER it's ok to take my kids around a man they don't know, watch their mother be all happy, happy, joy, joy around him while she won't even give their daddy the time of day?

Yeah, she's a great fucking role model.

Her brother who knows me better then any other male knows that's shes playing the victim. Which by the way, how exactly is she the victim? Seems to me like she's doing these things to me and the kids and besides telling her that I wasn't leaving my children, when exactly did she get victimized? Is it that much easier to turn away from all of this then to say, 'Hey Sis, you need help.' I guess it is.

And of course when I demanded to know where she was taking my children this weekend she decided not to go to this fair.

So I need to ask, besides me not willing to give up custody of my children to someone who has shown on several different occasions that she's not always thinking about whats best for the kids. How exactly have I hurt you? And really ask yourself what I could do if I wanted to. If I have to start taking action to ensure that you can be trusted to do whats best for them when you take them out, what am I capable of doing?

Because when it comes to my kids I will do anything.

You seem to think this blog is for you. It's not. I don't write anything here hoping that it affects you at all. Right now, you're not worth it. I would suggest that you don't read it. You have this 'well people are only taking your side cause they only know what you're telling them' way at looking at this and yet you can't point to one thing in here thats not correct.

But this little bit is for you. You have made a mistake in taking my kindness as a weakness. I am not weak. I have plenty of ways of showing you this. Keep my children out of your little games and you will never have to understand what these last two sentences mean.

And just out of curiosity, how much do you pay you're lawyer to read this blog cause I can write more if it's by the word.

And since we're already here, I want to thank Melissa for reading the posts and sending me an email. It was very touching, thank you.


Melissa said...

It is I who should be thanking you William. I began reading your blog to show support for you. But it seems that I am the one receiving the support. Although our situations are different, so much of what you say could be applied to my life either now or in my past. Also, please thank Kelly for me. I had to check the mirror for a busted lip to be sure it wasn't me she was scolding.

MDStayathomefather said...
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MDStayathomefather said...

Kelly grew up a bunch since her days of running with me. I'd like to think I influenced her a bit but I think she's such a bad ass in spite of knowing me.

Thanks M