Friday, May 16, 2008

Walking Through Fire

I found this video while surfing with the kids. There's just something about it.

I received a few emails asking the same question about my wife and the divorce. Please understand that there are things that I just can't discuss here. As for why she's doing what she's doing you all need to read between the lines. She knows the reason for all of this and she knows that I know. This is all I can say about it.

So it's funny Jen, a friend of mine blogged today about bribing kids to help them through get the big life changes easier. Personally I'm all for bribery. I commented on her blog that there were somethings that I just expect my kids to do like eat what I tell them to eat or to play nice together (we're still working on this). But sometimes a little incentive isn't a bad thing.

I haven't been a great parent lately when it came to Nikki and her bedtime. Nikki is a night owl like her father. She wakes up in the morning shortly after 9am and if I let her, she would be up till 2am. And the girl doesn't nap in between. The thing is, I liked having her here with me while I did all my writing and whatever. But that's all over as of tonight. I talked to Nikki today and told her that she had to get back on schedule with the sleep thing and she suggested that I buy her this toy she saw on tv as a reward for going to bed early tonight. Got give her credit, she knows how to play the game.

I may go back into the dark tomorrow....after I go to the gym :(


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