Friday, May 30, 2008

Green Tinted 60's Mind

Last night Nikki came to me and said, "Someday tree frogs will rule the world." WTH???

Stephanie, Nikki's teacher made a comment that Jessie was like me, carefree, happy and always smiling. She must have been talking about the inner me. She said that Nicole was more like her mother, moody and serious.

The thing is that I think Nikki is more like me. I know she's got my stubbornness. She's extremely creative and it seems like her mind is going 1,000 miles an hour all the time.

The one thing that we disagree on is the tree frog thing. Everyone knows that Garden Gnomes will soon be this planets Overlords.

Something weird has been happening with the kids lately. They're actually playing together. No really. I mean like sitting on the floor and interacting without hitting or being hit. The truly astonishing thing is that Nikki has initiated most of the encounters. Jessie will be sitting there all 'minding her own business' and whatnot playing with her dolls or Shrek toys (huge Shrek fan that one) and Nikki will come along and start playing with her. And Nikki plays by Jessie's rules which I find discomforting. Nikki is fine with Jessie leading the doll parties. It's giving me the heebies (actual word regardless of what my spellchecker is saying)

Nicole has always been a solitary creature. She draws or colors or builds her animal towers/parades (I'll post a pic so you can get it). When I go to pick her up from school if they're on the playground more often then not she'll be off by herself looking for bugs or dandelions. Occasionally she'll have Aiden or Rosalie in tow. That's the daddy in her.

So all this new sisterly bonding has me quite unnerved.

Clem update - The little turtle that could is still coulding. He comes right up and grabs worms out of my fingers. He doesn't swim around a whole lot but he has his moments where he'll go explore his surroundings. I am beginning to believe that he is in fact a she. I'm not sure I like the name Clementine though. We'll see.

I may have a job that pays actual cash money (unlike the whole raising two daughters thing). I submitted two of my blogs (Judgement Day and Little Drummer Boy) to a company that hires freelance writers. I got an email back saying that they like the style and that they would have a couple essays for me to work on within the next week or so. Kinda cool but my hopes aren't all sky high yet. We'll see when the check arrives :)

I'll be out late tomorrow night, don't wait up.


Anonymous said...

So something I've noticed, my gf is scarily like nikki... and I can't figure out which is scarier, that your daughter may have the mindset of a 20 year old or that she has the mindset of a 4 year old hahahahaha. Anyways, there was no real point to that other then I love nikki stories... they always make me chuckle :)


Anonymous said...

too bad he doesn't actually know how old his girlfriend is....

Anonymous said...

Hey you didn't correct me when I said it on the phone... :P


Anonymous said...

Thats because I don't actually listen to your ramblings.

--Ish's girlfriend

Anonymous said...

pwned...This from the girl who wanted me to make the comment in the first place lol. Ok boss sorry for hijacking your comments lol


MDStayathomefather said...

God, I've had such an f'd up night. I had to talk about my crap all night it seems. But reading this...I swear, I'm just laughing my ass off.

Thank you both for the smiles.

And to Hoppy's GF, He is so in love with you. I hope you know that.

...and welcome :)

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad to be able to make you laugh. I don't think people (myself included) do that enough. It's very therapeutic, from what I hear. I do know that this Hoppy you speak of is so in love with me, but hearing it from others is just another encouragement.

--Ish (Hoppy?)'s girlfriend

MDStayathomefather said...

Hoppy (short for Grasshopper....long story) talks about you lot and we (TEC) know that he's really dedicated to you. You both are very lucky.

And Ella, don't be a stranger here or on Guild Chat. We don't bite...much.
