Friday, May 2, 2008

You Don't Drink, Don't Smoke. What Do You Do?

Ok, so I finally figured out where I wanted to go with that 'Life ending asteroid' post I created earlier.

During the times where I get depressed I often stumble into the whole 'meaning of life' question. I'm gonna die someday anyway so what's the point. But then you have kids and they become your point.

I don't believe in procreation just so your life will have meaning. Some people need a legacy that will carry on the family name or whatever. Some guys get discouraged when it's a daughter instead of a son. Some people feel that there's something missing in their lives and believe that a child will make that feeling go away. And to these people I say, "You shouldn't have had children at all if this is your motivation."

When you're a true parent, when your children are your highest priority, when you know in you soul that you would happily take a bullet for your kids, it's then you understand the meaning of life. To purely give the experience of life, to give a smile, a laugh, to introduce wonder, to invoke a sense of security, to have the words 'I love you' come back to you from a child, is life's meaning.

And yes, chances are good (luckily only 1 in 450,000 at the moment) that at some point all life on earth will be extinguished. But remember this, all sound, especially the sound of laughter, continues to echo forever.

And I want to welcome aboard the Insane Train a new reader, Michelle. Michelle is a friend, not the friend I wrote about earlier and she's tres schmexy. Those of you who know me know I don't just use that word all willy nilly. Anyway welcome Michelle :)


1 comment:

MDStayathomefather said...

I think this might be the deepest, most heartfelt thing I have ever written. I'm not sure where it came from I just hope it touches someone.
